About us
LEXX Premium
LEXX Insight Report
Sector Alerts

About us

LEXX serves as an essential information tool for the global logistics, shipping, energy & construction sectors. LEXX member organisations represent approximately 90 percent of the global ENERGY Exploration & Production capacity and approximately 90 percent of the global Shipping & Logistics capacity. Our database of ENERGY, LOGISTICS & CONSTRUCTION related companies is now in excess of 1,500,000 records and is organised into the following market sectors:

Electronic media is a key component in the LEXX strategy to connect clients, strategic partners and our international readership through the dissemination of authoritative business reports and market intelligence.

A radical overhaul of the online platform and website has made it possible to provide accurate information in just the way that our readers tell us they want it. So our web site carries news that is updated throughout the day, with a complete newspaper e-mailed to subscribers at the same time every working day. Additionally, LEXX subscribers are alerted immediately if important events take place. At the same time, our special reports and magazine supplements provide insight and analysis of the industry’s latest developments and trends.

LEXX Premium

LEXX Premium services provides the Logistics, Energy & Construction executives & personnel with in-depth financial news, information and tools to enable them to make informative investment decisions. Premium is an objective subscription service that provides additional exclusive features for senior executives & decision makers.

LEXX Insight Reports

For details of every aspect of a company's performance in a comprehensive report at hand. LEXX Company Insight brings you the most complete overview you need to get the full picture of a business in one, simple report. Insight Reports bring you the daily-updated information on your choice of listed sector or company, delivered quickly and directly to your inbox.

LEXX Sector Alerts enables you to keep up to date with the company news that affects you, providing you with timely alerts which you can customize to your own requirements. And because LEXX does the work for you, you don't need to keep checking news every few minutes to know what's going on. With LEXX Sector Alerts you can set alerts on all listed companies that are of interest to you.


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